I hear 'em chirpin, look! theres a hole in that one...daddy, can't we just help them get out of the shell? No, we can't...gettin outta that shell is the chickens first job, and it's hard to do! but we have to let the chicken do it by themselves or else they may not survive. why? I dunno...but all of the chickens I've helped out of the shell died, it's all a part of a process the chicken has to go thru to prepare it for life. We just have to sit back and watch...This is the conversation I had with my daughter tonight, it reminded me of my life struggles...and how even though we all find ourselves (like the chicken) going thru circumstances that are difficult and we sometimes wonder why God does'nt "help us out of our shell." there is peace in knowing that there is a purpouse...
I suppose the comparison is fair, depending on the comprehension level of God you have as opposed to the one the chicken has of us... I spent a lot of years in my egg, all a part of a process, a plan God had for me! There were times when I did'nt believe that I could ever experience a life as full of joy as I do now,or...that what I was experiencing was all that life had in store for me. Perhaps the greatest lesson we can take away from "the egg" is that it's only thru our struggles that we learn our real strength! Although it sure does'nt feel that "spiritual" when we're feeling overwhelmed with life!
In order for us to be a fully functioning member of "the body" and to be all that God intends for us to be, we must "overcome," No TESTimony without the test right? In the book of James it says (1:2-4) My brethern, count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations; 3) knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4) But let patience have her perfect work,that you may be perfect and entire,wanting nothing...Chew on that while you enjoy these other pics...
Oh my brother,where is our mother? Is there no other? to live together...to be our lover....I am not very old, and I won't live long,I was born this very mornin' singin this here song...and who know's when....