Thursday, December 30, 2010

Look At Yourself...

I don't know any perfect people...

I'd even go so far as to say that I don't know anyone who doesn't have at least a few issue's that they're working out, myself included of course. The same goes for people I don't know, be they Christian or Atheist, rich or poor, even if you're the Pope or the Dali llama it really doesn't matter! All of us share the same gene pool, and there below our fancy Latin taxonomic name I think it should say in parenthesis...

One common approach used by those who feel compelled to address this greatest of all truths as a spiritual problem or sickness is to engage in various forms of self medication. To, by the use of ritualistic practices, behaviors or good works, overcome or compensate for their bad or evil nature with good or righteous acts. For Christian people this sometimes means regular church attendance or being involved with some personal ministry or outreach effort that their church supports. One thing I've noticed about volunteer work in the church is that there's usually far more people who're willing to sign on to do high profile activities such as taking meals to homeless people or visiting the sick than there are who are willing to work at the church. There are certainly exceptions, but usually they have to pay people to come in and do the cleaning, lawn care, and other more mundane tasks that are essential to the function and care of the church whereas outreach ministries provide their participants with an immediate "this looks AND feels good for me" pay off.

I do understand that in the body of Christ there's a place for everyone to serve and I'm a huge fan of doing so but have you ever wondered why people who consider themselves to be servants all seem to be gifted the same way? Call me cynical or whatever but it's hard for me not to see it as strange, it's as though what they're really wanting is for themselves to be glorified by these works instead of God.

Matthew 6:3-6

3But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:

4That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.

5And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

Over the past several years I've been on both sides of things. I've been the person in need and I've been the one who was in a position to give. I've been helped, and helped others as well. I've also been confused by people who would help you as long as by doing so they looked like a hero but then, when it was a much smaller matter where perhaps just a word from them asking after me and my situation would've meant a great deal they suddenly seemed rather indifferent.

I can still recall how struck I was by my own feelings when after volunteering with a local outreach ministry I found myself filling out insurance forms so people could get medicines at no cost from pharmaceutical companies. Within a couple of weeks I began to dislike doing it because of how boring and confusing it was at times. I began to feel uninspired, wishing I could be involved in some other aspect of the ministry that I might find more interesting. I remember thinking... "this just isn't my area spiritual gifting!" I continued to show up and tried to do my best. It sounds bad to say it but when I eventually became financially unable to continue making the hour long drive in twice a week I was actually sort of glad.
These scenario's are just small examples of what I think it means to look into your own heart and see how self centered and prideful each of us are. Of how desperately each of us are in need a Savior, and how amazing the grace of God which is extended to each of us through His Son Jesus is! To me the most remarkable part of this story is how faithful God has been to me. How He's shown me through untold small miracles how much I mean to Him. How is it then that I can turn away from what could've been an opportunity to share Christ's love with someone else through simple things or grow weary in serving God because I don't think it's a good fit for me? Things like spending time with people you may find repugnant but who God has put on your heart, or perhaps doing boring, tedious things you may not actually like to do. Who knows, maybe if by our doing these things in a selfless manor hoping for some privilege to share Christ through it we might just find our real place of service. We all want to find our purpose in Gods kingdom and play our part in His great plan. For some it's to be center stage with the white hot spot light and Gods anointment on them, and for others it's to work in the background in a supporting role of some kind.
What most of us don't realize is that it's only through our trusting God and being willing to do whatever He calls us to do in whatever circumstances we find ourselves that we'll ever truly find our way. There comes a point where we have to stop looking at ourselves and start looking only to Him as the source of everything! We don't look down, or back, or anywhere else but to Him! That's when the power of the Lord our God will be seen in a mighty way in our lives and in the lives of those who we're seeking to serve in His name!

Luke 18:9-14

9And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

10Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.

11The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

12I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

13And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

14I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Just Another Christmas Story

What's your favorite Christmas story? Perhaps it's one of the many works by Charles Dickens such as A Christmas Carol or The cricket on The Hearth. My personal favorite was always

The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry.

With it's emphasis on man's redemption, the yuletide season serves as a fitting backdrop for so many great stories and novella's. Not only do these works wonderfully entertain us with their irony and drama, but in a classic fashion they remind us of what is yet good in this world by projecting it against what is evil. Speaking to the faint glimmer of hope held within each of us the desired effect is to draw us in. To, through the timeless magic of the story, embolden us to confront our own internal struggles and to realize some similar victory of virtue within ourselves. These stories are about giving and receiving and the triumph of good over evil in mens hearts. They hold out to us the possibility of a different perspective than the cynical one held by so many in this world today. The following is my Christmas story, on the surface it's about how I overcame my own personal obstacles and made it home for Christmas one year but on a deeper level it's also about faith and trust in something much bigger than myself.

Making specific plans when your a truck driver can not only be an exercise in futility, but one of frustration as well. This is due to the fact that as such you're continually at the mercy of a far greater range of un-foreseen happen-stance that can, just like they did in John Steinbecks novel Of Mice and Men, wreck havoc on "even the best laid plans" that one might make. Knowing these things full well, I didn't make a lot of specific plans that year, I simply knew that one way or another I was going to get home by Christmas! The company I drove for at the time routinely shut down on the 21st of December and so on the 20th I was set to deliver my last load of tools to a sale truck in Indiana which would then free me to come back west and stop over at "the house" during the holiday. But after delivering my load and placing a call to my dispatcher (who plays the part of Scrooge in this drama) I was informed that after my drop, I was needed to make a pick up in Kentucky that would have to then be taken back to the warehouse in Kansas without delay.


As I drove along I reasoned that the natural solution to this dilemma would be to simply call my wife and have her pick me up in K.C. (a 6 hour drive) but after inquiring after such, I was informed that she had to work (3rd shift) every night until Christmas, making it quite impossible for her to come and get me.


Another complication was that I had a bunch of gifts in the truck with me that I'd bought. My only option available seemed to be to call her and have her meet me at a point closest to home on my way back west and drop the gifts off with her thereby freeing me up to then make my way home by whatever means unencumbered. After achieving that objective rather easily, I continued in my duty and returned to the warehouse in Kansas arriving around mid-evening. Resolved to my lack of any other remedy for my predicament I slept for a few hours and before light the next morning I was on my way back the way I had just came toward my home.

How you ask? by what mode or method? on foot my friend...

I took off walking with only a rolled up rain poncho and a black magic marker to make my destination signs with. I had to walk about 10 miles on 207th st. which is a gravel road before I came to hyw 69 at Stanley Ks. I scrambled up an embankment to the 4 lane road and within minutes was offered a ride with an older gentleman who took me to Harrissonville Mo. Next, I was given a ride from the 7/71 jct. on the back of a 1 ton flatbed all the way to Spfd, Mo. It was a very cold ride but despite my discomfort, I was most content, quite thankful even...imagine that!

Soon I arrived in Spfd at the I-44/13 junction, my new friends were headed into town and so I hopped off there. I was rather numb in my legs from the cold and so my walking was with a stiff limp. I hobbled over to the nearby McDonald's for the days first "nourishment" of any kind and upon returning to my journey couldn't help but notice how many people were crowding the ramps of the highway that day, panhandlers holding signs each pleading their case for charity. I remember I felt some embarrassment at that because I was afraid I would be mistaken for such because of my cardboard sign that read,"hyw 60 east" but I had come much too far to let such a baseless reluctance dissuade me.

It was nearly midday now and I had made it close to half way home! In the waning hours of that late December afternoon what I remember the most was walking what seemed like great distances on the snow covered frozen shoulder of the highway, hands and feet stinging from the lack of circulation in them, feeling the blasts of frigid air pushing me back and then swirling around me as the endless convoy's of the freight trucks blasted by. Under these circumstances,one must also steel themselves to the thousand's of curious stares fixed upon them by passing motorists, each with questioning eye's which at times seemed to ask,

"What are you doing out here?'

But the Lord was with me...and after several warm comfortable rides I traveled the remaining 150 miles. By 4:30 that afternoon I was on the phone to my stunned wife asking her to drive the short distance into town and pick me up! As I think back I'm still amazed by many aspects of what occurred that day. I'm amazed at the kindness of strangers who perhaps disregarded their better judgement in giving me a lift that day. I'm amazed at my own tenacity that I would even attempt such a thing. Being put in the position I was, what was most essential to me was my faith and trust in God, that he was with me and that he would make my way if only I would just continue to put one foot in front of the other quite literallywalking in faith! My feeling was that for every step I took after Him, He took two towards me! It was as if he longed to express his love for me and show me that no detail is too small to escape his notice and that nothing can separate me from his love and care...Several years have passed since then, but just like so many other times in my life before and since when I needed Him, my heavenly Father was always there!

No matter what season it is, can a man have any more comfort than that?

tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

After A Fashion...

Chasing after fashion trends is something we Americans do like no one else! We go to great lengths to express our status and identity through any number of vehicles such as cars, clothing, and even our religion! One flagrant example of this fashion victim mentality I've noticed is the practice of young adolescent males wearing their jeans pulled down over their boxer shorts...

"What's the harm in it" I protested to myself...don't you remember? You certainly had your share of "youthful quirks" that were certainly much worse! Recently I've began to notice I felt the same about other fashion statements I saw happening around me and so I started digging for the common element 'd offence. In my attempt to sort out my feelings regarding the latest hip-hop urban dress styles, the first thing I made note of was that I didn't really care that the young black men did it. I realized that my annoyance instead had to do with the young white adolescents who were doing it. Upon further analysis I surmised that my feelings were a product of my disappointment with a people who because of some cultural funk deficit became imitators of those who they perceived to be flush with the fashion.

I decided to look up the root word of fashion which I understood to be "fash" and upon doing so was gratified to discover that it's definition (please click the link) quite accurately described the overall effect all of this fashion had on me. Although it may not technically be the root of the word fashion I found myself intrigued at the insightful comparison's it's definition invited, I'm yet to be fully convinced there isn't an actual connection between them somewhere.

How curious it is to me that the key to the success of any fashion trend lies in it's ability to evoke strong and yet divergent reactions in people. It hardly matters if that reaction is one of love or hate, the only reaction it can't abide is one of indifference. Controversy is critical to fashion! I can't think of any truly great iconic fashion trend that didn't divide people. Remember long hair? How about "mini and micro" short skirts? Another curiosity is that it's typically young people who're the most fertile ground for cultivating these phenomenon however I suspect that regardless of a persons age theres still an element of rebellion at the core of these behaviors.

Even the lack of what's typically considered fashion is a fashion. Amish people wear clothes that they make themselves that are mostly blue and black, do they have to do that? No! They make pretty good money around here, and so I'm pretty sure they could afford to buy well made modest clothing but they simply choose not to, at least in part I believe, so that they stand out from other people. All of this is done in the name of their religious beliefs and customs.

What about people who have incorporated Jewish traditions such as the observance of the festivals etc...into their Christian expression of faith? This is another topic I have feelings about similar to the other's I've mentioned. In my research regarding this matter I talked to Jews, messianic Jews or Judeo-Christians and "Christians" who perhaps see themselves as being more Jewish than Christian, to gain their insights. I read some of the works of Saint John Chrysostom (c.347-407) who wrote some very specific homilies which I saw as being both enlightening and freightening. I was directed to the works of Stan Telchin, whosomehow managed to inspire practically every Messianic Jewish Leader in this country to band together against him and the ideas expressed in his book entitled,

"Some Messianic Jews say: 'Messianic Judaism is not Christianity.'"

A Loving Call To Unity

Starting with the title it was a bit confusing to me, But it seemed to clear quickly. Here's an excerpt from the forward.

"It is true that if one is a Jew,then he or she cannot be a Gentile. And if one is a Gentile, he or she cannot be a Jew. But you can certainly be a Jew and a Christian at the same time. This is what I am!"

I think that somehow the answer to all my questions and the explanation of the root cause of my feelings on the subject lie within this statement. Could it be that my unsettled feelings have to do with my perception of Christians who seemed more concerned with being "Torah observant" than they are with being Christ centered? I've no doubt that this is a far more complex issue than is the juxtaposition of someones trousers and their undergarments, but in another way perhaps it's not. None of us can be what we aren't, but whether the goal is simply to be cool posing as someone other than yourself, or to have a relationship with our heavenly Father, in either case theres no need for any act! All of us have the same access to the Father through Christ and we're definitely not fooling Him! The most important thing that any of us can do is to know who we are in Christ instead of trying to be something other than we truly are or being someone else that's an imitation, that's merely...

After a fashion!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Conspiracy?

I've been intrigued by the possibility of their existence since my early adult years when I was first clued in to them by a friend. I'll admit that I've been on both sides of the fence as far as what I actually believe about these "shadow government" organizations. I mean...are the Bilderbergers really bent on world domination? What about the Illuminati...who are they? There's the Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, and of course the Freemasons for us to keep our eye's on!

But I've left someone out of my previous listing, someone who is as I understand it a key behind the scenes player in all the other scenario's. Someone who's stated objectives aren't limited to merely ruling the world under a central government structure.... No, someone who instead has their eye on the big picture, who's not playing for the chump change of this mist that appears for a while we call a life but instead for keeps, for all...


Do we, is there, can he? whoa, whoa, my conspiracy fascinated friend!

Perhaps the short answer here is YES! But NO!

Lets start with a look at our "shadow" enemy's declared mission statement...

John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:

And our Saviors answer...

I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly

I just have to stop right here and say this...
Praise You Jesus, for you are the way,the truth,and the life! Praise you for Your amazing and abundant love given to each of us!

A Conspiracy? If you're a child of God there's definitely one against you! And just as it is with any true conspiracy or plan, secrecy is essential to it's success. The usual tactic is to take full advantage of the darkness or the ignorance of the victim who never see's it coming and typically isn't prepared for it at all.

C S Lewis said it like this...

“There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.”

I think we're pretty good at doing both here in America...

According to Christian pollster George Barna, 60 percent of American adults contend that Satan does not exist but is merely a "symbol of evil." In 2005 Barna also reported that 46% of born again Christians deny Satan’s existence. It's certainly not my intent to promote any unhealthy interest or preoccupation with our enemy, but based on these statistics I'm thinking a higher awareness than what we presently claim to have might be beneficial to us in many ways.

In all of those moments our enemies attack seems the most acute, we can, instead of being full of despair, do as the Apostle Paul did and rejoice in the persecution that's directed upon us for his name sake! Are all of our most challenging circumstances in this life examples of persecution? Of course not! There have been times in my life when I have felt persecuted or under spiritual attack and yet there have been other situations that were entirely my own doing! But even the wisdom to discern what is ours to change and the courage and strength to then do so are gifts from God! Neither am I saying that we should give thanks for all things but instead that we should give thanks IN all things! Praising God is our greatest weapon against the enemy! If, in the midst of our own affliction's or those of others we can't bring comfort and hope by revisiting our own stories of despair and deliverance we have I believe been spared by God in vain!

2 Corinthians 1:4
Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

Everyday the full arsenal of the enemies weapons are arrayed against each of us! Only one who's walked down the same road as us can really know how we feel. Only someone who knows how it feels understands that we can't judge others because all of us have either been there before ourselves and were delivered from it, are there now, or will in the future go through something similar. We must stand together and support each other in love when we're going through trials! If we as members of Gods family view spiritual attack's against the brethren as nothing more than some "conspiracy theory" we're all in trouble! If we have no awareness of, or compassion for those experiencing these very real struggles in life and who are presently feeling the brunt of the terrible weapons our enemy uses to beat down our brothers and sisters in Christ then our problem is manifest in that we ourselves are also easy prey!

1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Matthew 10:28
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Ephesians 6:12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tis' The Season!

No, not that season....but you're close!

In these parts, beyond the political season it's deer season that takes center stage! Here in the Ozarks it's kind of a holiday, the schools are even let out of session to allow students to fully participate. People make plans all year long to spend some time with friends and family in the deer woods. They often travel great distances from larger cities to small rural areas like this to hunt, drink lots of beer, eat deer meat, and secure their bragging rights for the coming year. Its a time where men bond with their sons (or daughters) around a campfire in the wilderness. It's also an opportunity for people to play lots of practical jokes on one another, hopefully get them on film, and tease them mercilessly all year long about it!

This is how the big boys do it...

Speaking of bragging rights, this monster buck that was taken in Iowa back in bow season...

31 points I think!

It's not always the biggest deer that makes for the proudest conversation. Check out this picture below of an albino deer! The gentleman who shot it said he thought he'd shot a goat!

Hold on, it gets even weirder, a friend of mine told me a story about a deer he'd shot that had a third horn coming out of it's head kind of like a unicorn...(he has it mounted on his wall at home) He said that Bass Pro Shops out of Springfield,Mo. had offered him 20,000 for it and he turned them down!

I know...crazy!

Basically, it all comes down to the available food supply and when the doe's come in season. That's what determines where you'll find them, How many acorns they can find determine how deep in the woods they'll be. The scent of the does are what makes the big bucks crazy enough to run out across an open field and get shot! This year the doe's have come into season early so hunting will be somewhat more challenging. This area is really great for hunting! Deer, turkey, you could actually survive pretty well living off of wild game around here. The other day I was listening to a couple of guys talk about fishing for walleye, strange thing was they were complaining that you couldn't hardly throw a line into the water without catching a doggone small-mouth bass!

Psalm 104:27

These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season.

Psalm 42:1

As the deer pants for the water brooks,
So pants my soul for You, O God.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Mighty Wind!

The wind is commonly used in literature as a metaphor to represent a powerful force of some kind or as a harbinger that's acting as a catalyst or agent of change. From a meteorological perspective wind is simply a physical manifestation of the effects of gravity and barometric pressure on static air that's enacted between geographic regions.

Recently I've felt as though I'm living in a windy metaphor of my own that's pulling and pushing me both literally and figuratively. Allow me to explain, it's been so windy here the past couple of days and extremely dry for the past couple of months that we're now under a county wide burn ban. As an aside I'm wondering, is it more than a coincidence that we've just recently come through a hotly contested political season? I don't know, and for me to jump to any conclusions about it at this point might seem unsportsmanlike so I won't. When I first saw from a distance the large and yet very low cloud-like plumes of smoke I initially ruled out a fire, let alone one purposely started. After asking around about it I was told that the Conservation Dept. was conducting an out of control controlled burn of about 1000 acres just north of me... Now I'm being told that it was intentionally set by some other individual!

Can you see God? You haven't seen him? I've never seen the wind. I see the effects of the wind, but I've never seen the wind. There's a mystery to it.
- Billy Graham

I've also been feeling a bit of mystery or confusion concerning other winds blowing and fires burning in my life right now that are moving me in a direction I thought I'd never go again. I'm not at all certain but there's a better than even chance that I might soon be going back to driving a truck over the road. On the one hand it's a matter of practical survival, a temporary measure, that will along with other things get me and mine to a better place in time where hopefully better opportunities will meet us. And on the other it could also be a way for me to usher in some needed changes that might be good for me personally as well. At any rate I feel compelled to accept the position if offered to me, perhaps being back in the wind is exactly what I need. A change of scenery, a chance to see a few places again and reconnect with memories from my not too distant past. To observe what's changed and what still remains since I've been "out there" running up and down the road.

To conclude this windy post there's one final movement that I've sensed growing stronger of late having to do with Eschatology or the study of or interest in biblical prophesy. I realize that it's been hot stuff since before Christ walked on the earth but naturally, as I see it this new interest is being generated by a number of currently ominous "ill winds" that are swirling around these days.

We've seen severe flooding as well as historic drought worldwide resulting in record low harvest yields. As a result we're staring a worldwide food crisis in the face right now!

Our debt problem in this country combined with the anemic GDP stats spell out a recipe for a coming global economic meltdown starting with hyperinflation in the US that will take out all other economies whose currencies are tied to the dollar. Read more:

There's a new world-wide church coming to the forefront of late. One of many modern progressive organizations whose message is based on the premise that man is essentially good. Their contention is that despite man's long history indicating otherwise he's going to somehow cast that aside and finally save himself. The belief is that the "New Earth" or "world Order" will be made possible by eliminating what causes division among people and uniting everyone under a banner of world peace.

Are we also currently experiencing an increase in the frequency and strength of earthquakes, volcanic activity and natural disasters? Did Christ specifically say that we should regard these things as significant prior to the tribulation? Read the Olivet Discourse and make up your own mind! The Institute for Christian Research has a lot of interesting articles concerning this topic for you to check out.

Are you feeling the pressure building in your world? I know I am...

The wind and the Holy Spirit also move. The wind from areas of high pressure to low pressure while the Spirit moves or leads us to Christ! In this atmosphere of high pressure and high stress, I can feel them both bearing on my life, drawing me into the peaceful presence of my Lord where the storms of life, tremendous pressures, and struggles of living cease. I don't know about you but I want to be on the first load out of here! Just as the church's arrival was described in the book of Act's, with the sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, so I believe it must be with it's leaving at whats called "the catching away" or harpazo. So blow wind, blow your beautiful trumpet!

Revelation 4:1

After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Easy Does It!

For many very good reasons those are definitely the wisest words spoken around me in the last couple of weeks. Recently, after a very long hiatus I've returned to the world of physical work. I'm slowly becoming adjusted to my new routine, getting lots of healthy exercise, working with people I enjoy, and spending all day outside usually in the woods! It's every bit as much fun as it sounds, but the combination of having turned fifty last month and my being so very out of shape (round is a shape isn't it?) has made it a real challenge. Let me tell you, after you've pushed yourself pretty hard it's an incredible feeling just to lay back on the grass and stare up at the crystal clear blue sky. Feeling your blood coursing through your veins and the blessed peace that even momentary relief brings. Marking time by the thunderous rhythm of your own heart beats against the easy swaying of the tree tops.

Overheated~ pulsating... ecstatic!

At this point in my life, it's out of necessity I must be smarter about how I go about things. I'm no longer able to simply go to the well of my physical strength as before. This emerging strategy consists mostly of practicing patience, persistence, and planning, but more importantly it's about using the power that's available to me most effectively. That involves developing the skill and judgment nessesary to use a machine to it's full potential without pushing it to the point that it's going to break or in a way it wasn't designed to be used. Understanding that it, the machine, will take a great deal of hard use but very little if any ab-use. So while it's true that my strength isn't what it once was and my energy is now much more precious, none of those realities change the fact that the job is about moving heavy objects from one place to another, and so the relationship I have with my "power" equipment is extremely vital to me!

The power of a machine like this makes the impossible possible. It pulls whole trees out of the thickest brush you can imagine using a wench and a cable and "skids" them to a landing.

This is called a "picker truck" it's the helping hand that lifts the extremely heavy loads onto the log truck like they were toothpicks!

And of course the real workhorse of our operation, the log truck! We do a humanly impossible task by using the awesome power that's available to us through these tools.

Life can also be a "mission impossible"

How common it seems to be nowadays for people to feel overwhelmed by all of the heavy burdens they're dragging around or trying to carry on their shoulders. All of us can relate personally or have known those who were crushed by the weight of their problems, by the pile of logs that are on top of them! Many people mistakenly believe that they're stuck in their situations, pinned down by the tangled mess their living in and are frustrated by it's complex nature. Sadly, their lives have become a hopeless, joyless, depressing drudgery with seemingly no meaning to all of the hardship and struggles that they endure daily.

And that's no way to live!

This description also fits many Christian people who would eagerly to tell you about Jesus and his great love for us all! Who have trusted Christ for their eternal salvation and yet somehow they're challenged to trust Him with their present circumstances! I wonder if they believe that He's a far away God who is perhaps indifferent to their troubles or that what goes on here in this life is theirs to deal with alone. I don't think that's right, this sounds much easier to me!

1 Peter 5:7

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

Matthew 11:30

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Years ago my high school biology teacher told us that he had previously taught chemistry for many years all the while believing that he understood it until one day as he was drawing a formula on the board in a sudden realization he actually "got it" himself. He thought he understood it but his understanding was only on a superficial level. I'm sure he had passed many tests over it to graduate and no doubt felt comfortable teaching it to others. In his head it seemed to be a settled issue, but in his heart it was a different matter. He didn't really understand it, not on that level, there was a vital connection missing, an "app" as they call it today that turned it from being just a bunch of abstract theories into a simple life changing reality!

As Christians I think we all need to have a similar "light bulb" moment! One way to do that is to walk by faith in our own lives until we come to a much clearer understanding of what is the true reality of the spiritual world and the false illusion of the physical one.

1 Corinthians 2:6

However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.

If only we could comprehend much more of God's love for us, think of the difference it would make in our lives, that we could make in this world! we could live our lives in victory and love would flow out of us like living waters!

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

John 7:38

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Christs supreme act of love and redemption that was done for all men on the cross defeated sin's power over us and ultimately death on our behalf. It made the impossible possible, and through the power of His blood Jesus still empowers believers to rise above all of the weapons that are formed against them in life.

Isaiah 54:17

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

Easy does it!

We have a tremendous tool that we don't use nearly enough! It has the power to pull us out of the miry clay we're stuck in and out of the worst thorns and thickets we could ever hope to find ourselves. It can lift all of those heavy burdens we're carrying around ourselves, put them on a truck, and deliver you from the need to ever fear them again! What is it?


Romans 12:12

Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

1 John 5:14

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

It's as easy as just loving God,

Loving our brothers and sisters by sharing Christ's love which was given to us freely

And finally, it's as easy as loving yourself and KNOWING that God loves YOU!

There's nothing confusing or complicated about it. All we have to do is LOVE.

That's always been Gods intention towards us, I don't understand why we all don't get it !

Or why if we say we do, we don't act with the authority it conveys to us over all areas of our lives

Someday, a simple little man is going to read Gods word and just believe it...

And the rest of us are going to be really embarrassed when he looks at us and says,

It's easy when you just let God do it!

Matthew 6:13

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The problem...

In some ways it's the height of comical irony that a culture such as ours so steeped in the worship and reverence of love could have it so wrong...but it does.

It's often confused with sex, perhaps as a result of the perception that it's somehow inherently explained by the misleading commonly used expression

"make love".

Sadly, many settle for the red-headed step-child of love "attention" primarily because we don't really know the difference. Children, both young and old, act out in bad behaviors that are really just cries for help or for "love".

It's sometimes described as a feeling, but that's kind of like saying Gods creation is God and then worshiping "it" instead of Him. We're told that love is a choice, which is true, but how does that help us to make loving choices? We're inundated with a constant flow of dis-functional concepts and examples from every possible source! Through the song lyrics that brainwash us daily all the way back to the fairytale stories that were read to us as children.

I feel very comfortable in saying that all of the most screwed up things that you and I have done in our lives are directly related to our misunderstanding of God and of love, and our search for both.

Almost invariably, mans search for love and his quest for the understanding of it are motivated only by his selfish desires to marshal it's great power for his own purposes. Man has become a master at peddling illusions and perpetrating lies on his fellow man in order to get what he wants. One is seen as being successful in this life by demonstrating an ability to manipulate others and more importantly to convince themselves that it's love that they're offering. None of which would be possible apart from the basic ignorance about the true nature of love that's so prevalent. We're like blind people feeling around in the dark who are stung, bitten and burned as a result of working through a process of elimination hoping to find the real thing.

As unfortunate as ignorance is,there's still cause for hope in that ignorance can be dealt with through simple knowledge. Whats most unfortunate are those of us who have allowed fear to take hold of our spirits. In acting out of fear we acknowledge our own personal insufficiency by believing that we are the source of our limited provision. We've been taught to look out for number one which is of course ourselves because if we don't who will? certainly not a benevolent God, afterall, everyone knows that God helps those who help themselves right?. But in truth, God helps or comes to save those who absolutely cannot help or save themselves!

And that's exactly what I believe God is wanting to use His church to accomplish!

God Is Love!

As His representatives and ambassadors, disciples and followers, evangelist's and ministers, church members and children, shouldn't we have, based on our personal relationship with Jesus, a much greater familiarity with love than those who don't or who aren't any of those things?

Love is the answer!

Perhaps we as the church have forgotten that. We live in the midst of a world full of people who are crying out for answers, are we prepared to give them? Shouldn't we be the ones teaching the world about love? This world is a vineyard ripe for harvest, and the only real preparation necessary for us as Christians is to truly receive that love and those answers first ourselves! How can we say that we know the Lord, or that we've accepted Christ as our Savior, and then stand idly by in the presence of so much need in our own assigned area's of mission field earth?

We've been given the perfect example of what love is in Christ.

I don't think there's any way that I personally could ever be thankful enough for what He did for me. If I really mean that, then what does it mean?

We need more than a "revival" what we need is a revolution! A love revolution...

And since love is an action word, a "verb", that means we need to shift our focus away from merely talking about it week in and week out to one of making some thoughtful plans to implement it in some way scratch that, every way possible! I'm not talking about some token "feel good" project that doesn't require much from us. What I'm suggesting here is that we work in earnest the great harvest that's been prepared before us! Just as Christ held nothing back on our behalf, How can we do any less?

We can make the most of the opportunity before us by bringing everything we have to bear on this Kingdom battle for the souls of those around us who our Heavenly Father dearly loves!

Or we can listen to fear...

It a choice each of us has to make,there is no way to "abstain"

We can either choose to live in love or be imprisoned by fear.

We can choose to serve the One True God and His Kingdom...

Or be a slave to the one who opposed Him and who is also our enemy.

Is that a problem?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Against The Wall

All of us enjoy a good story, but what is it that makes a story good? I suppose that's an entirely subjective question, one that if I knew the answer to I'd be writing screenplays or books instead of this blog! But I don't think I'd be too far off the mark if I were to say that most people are drawn to a couple of specific things. Most people love hero's. They inspire us with their courage and their "never say die" attitude. It's their charisma, confidence, leadership and direction that compels us to follow them. I was ready to fight in the Roman Colosseum myself after listening to Russell Crowe lay out the simple facts of life and death to a band of hopeless slaves as Maximus in the movie


"Whatever comes out of these gates...

we've got a better chance of survival if we work together! Lock your shields! Stay as one!

Stories about brotherhood, love and honor that through their medium remind us that there are no dress rehearsals in life...that it's all real and it all counts

"Good Will Hunting"

Let me tell you what I do know. Everyday I come by to pick you up, and we go out drinkin' or whatever and we have a few laughs. But you know what the best part of my day is? The ten seconds before I knock on the door 'cause I let myself think I might get there, and you'd be gone. I'd knock on the door and you wouldn't be there. You just left.

This next scene always gets to me, some people take love and friendship very,very, seriously

What problems does he have, Sean? that he is better off as a janitor or in jail or hanging around with--

And why does he hang out with his friends? Because any one of those kids would come in here and take a bat to your head if he asked them to. It's called loyalty!

Most great stories are about overcoming adversity of some kind, we love to pull for the underdog! We seem to identify with people who find themselves fighting the good fight for the sake of all against evil and insurmountable odds. Typically they've got nothing going for them other than their heart and the fact that they have nothing left to lose and everything to gain.

Years ago I heard a story about a football team in a championship game. Things weren't going well at all and they had taken a pretty bad beating over the course of the afternoon. With only minutes left in the game, and what would be their last possession, they had the ball deep in their own territory. They needed only one touchdown to win but as they walked towards the huddle that goal seemed impossible, they all felt as though they were already beaten. As they leaned in together to hear the Quarterback's final direction, this is what he told them.

"Good job guys, I think we've got 'em just where we want them...They've counted us out, they think we're whipped, and my guess is that most of them are already thinking about what their going to do after the game is over, but I'll tell you what we're going to do right now! After that ball is snapped we're going to completely take them by surprise, we're going to play like it's the first play of the game instead of the last, like a team that knows it's going to win! I look around at all of your faces and I know you want to win, well I'm telling you how we will, and that's together! Men, no victory is as sweet as one that is pulled from the fearsome jaws of defeat, seize this moment, it's yours for the taking!

Perhaps you're wondering if there's some point I'm trying to make with all of this or if maybe I've decided to turn this into a film review blog. If so, hold on...

Do you hear that grinding noise? Don't be alarmed, that's just me changing gears.

There's a story that's playing out all around each and every one of us everyday. It's about us individually and the church as a whole.Our combined stories are all part of a much bigger story that we also have a role in. It's a grand drama, a classic tale of good and evil with hero's and villains, winners and losers, it's a full cast! Some of you probably know what I'm talking about, the rest of you think I'm nuts, that's okay.


As I see it this little story is kind of coming down to a scenario that reminds me a great deal of the examples I mentioned. We are indeed behind, and we appear to be losing ground on just about every front. We've taken some hard hits and been thrown to the ground. Through clever tactics, our enemy has succeeded in dividing us and causing us to fight among ourselves in order that his plans might go undisturbed. Even now, he's infiltrated our ranks and seeks to maintain this subversion by sowing complacency and preaching comfort. We've been led to believe there is no battle, that instead this boat we're on a is a luxury cruise liner instead of a battleship. And yet, right before our eye's he's savagely attacked each of our families. The deeds he's committed are so reprehensible that our minds recoil in disgust and we must turn away!

Now is not the time to wring our hands in hopeless despair, or to mourn what's been lost.

Instead NOW is the time that we must attack!

In order for us to be successful it's going to require that we all put aside our differences and come to a new agreement as to what is our common goal. We need a plan that involves putting our strengths against his weakness's. One that he can have no defense against because each of us is more than willing to die if necessary to accomplish it.

"We represent the kingdom of heaven and the living God, and to reveal them to mankind is what we live for and stand for and are ready to die for."

Bless God

John G. Lake

Sound extreme? I've no doubt that some people who read this will mistakenly equate or compare what I'm talking about with the kind of violent acts committed by terrorists but nothing could be further from the truth. It's only love that can conquer hate, and so it's only through love that any real victory can be won!

It's easy for actors like Russell Crowe who are playing a role to be brave when they know what's going to happen in the end. Well guess what, I've read how our story ends and we should be SO much bolder!

As members of the body of Christ and of Gods one true church we should have the kind of love for each other that puts a bond between us that nothing can break, we should be loyal servants of each other! If we're more concerned with our possessions or if we can't see beyond the temporal nature of this present world then we'll always be vulnerable to being infected with the disease of "self " and will be of little use to Gods Kingdom in this battle.

Where do you see yourself in this unfolding drama? You might be among those who don't believe or who won't understand it until the very last days when the fight is on your doorstep. You're much braver than me if your counting on having an opportunity to make the right choice then when you finally realize that it's your back that's...against the wall

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The "Real" Jesus

When asked about his taste in music, Ray Charles was once quoted as saying,

"There's only two kinds of music, those kinds being good and bad"

and that's a statement to which I wholeheartedly agree!

I'm not a big fan of most Christian music, sadly, like so many endeavors which are labeled as "Christian" it seems as though the quality of the products produced are lower than those of their secular counterparts. When people talk about books, music, movies or whatever which are produced by Christians inevitably you'll hear their work patronized with statement's such as

"It was pretty good, for a Christian writer,musician,comedian,etc..."

As if there's an unspoken but well understood lower standard involved.

And that's messed up...

I consider myself to be a fairly typical person, but then again perhaps I'm just caught up in my own "delusions of adequacy." I think perhaps a case could be made either way regarding me, but I digress. When I meet people I hope they notice something different about me, I would hope that they would perhaps feel loved in some way! I don't wear a crucifix outside of my shirt for people to see or have a WWJD wrist bracelet on. If I've never met you before, I probably won't ask you where you attend church within the first ten minutes of a conversation. Some people stress about sharing the gospel or "witnessing" as it's called, but sometimes the most "Christ-like" thing we can do is just to listen to people.

When people meet me I don't want them to see a stereotype, I want them to meet the real me.

I am a Christian, but I'm not "Ned Flanders"...(nothing against Ned)

I think that Jesus was a very real person!

Not only in a physical sense but also in terms of how He related to people out of a genuine love for them.

Throughout the bible Jesus' personality is displayed in many ways. Some of my favorite examples are from His various confrontation's with the scribes and pharisee's. This one in particular speaks to me of His sense of humor in dealing with them.

Matthew 9:5

For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk?

Jesus perceives their thoughts accusing Him of blasphemy after His forgiveness of sins. I can imagine Him being somewhat confounded by their attitudes, but His reaction is to love and teach them. He begins by turning the question back on them by asking "whether is easier" which is actually rhetorical in that He knows they can't truthfully say or do either. Jesus seems to be seeking counsel from these great scholars of the law while simultaneously proving Himself to be God and them to be fools!

Jesus, you crack me up!

Another of the more prevalent stereotypes of Christian people has to do with the idea that all of them are pacifists. The perception is of them being people who would never raise their voice in anger or resort to violence under any circumstances. It doesn't say in John's gospel what if anything might of happened to Jesus that day as He traveled to Jerusalem to observe the passover but apparently,

"He was in no mood"

to discover what was going on in the temple that day...

John 2:14-15

14And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:

15And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;

During his lifetime here on earth Jesus was a real man with real feelings just like each of us! He had a sense of humor, He could feel pain and sorrow, He could even become angry! It's a comfort to me to know that being a Christian doesn't mean we should be always happy or always be serious and sad like the stereotypes portray. I just want to be the person God intended me to be, no more and certainly no less! Helping people do just that is something Jesus was very good at, He brought comfort to the afflicted, and affliction to the comforted!

I think that it's so important for Christian people to be "real", and to not be perceived as being out of touch with the very real struggles that people they might meet are going through. Jesus had great compassion for people who were stuck in the "miry clay" of sin. He understood the temptation's of this world and the depravity of mans soul that drives him to do something, even if it's wrong, to fill that void in his heart. He didn't judge people for having the need which I feel is a critical first step that's necessary for people to be comfortable enough with us and to trust us enough to actually confide in us about the sin and spiritual needs in their lives so that we might have a "real" opportunity to share the real Jesus with them!

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Memories...

It's been quite a memorable summer in a lot of ways!

The heat was definitely one reason, just about everyone has memories of how they found sweet relief from it. Whether it was in the pool or the pond, in a lake or a stream, most remedies involve finding some COOL water!

They say that summer days are "okay" but the nights are made for love...

Speaking of love and summer night's, my wife and daughter both "love" all of the little house books which were originally written by Laura Ingalls Wilder. So when we read in a local publication that the Ozark Mountain Players were performing a play on Friday night August 6-7th in Mansfield, Mo. called Laura's Memories we decided to go! We drove the short distance to Mansfield early in the afternoon and took in the tour that's given daily of the author's home and the museum which is also on the grounds. It was interesting even for me, to see things like the actual fiddle which belonged to "Pa" and other personal family items.

It was a wonderful night of theater under the stars at the newly built outdoor amphitheater!

I very much enjoyed the overall presentation! An actress who bore a remarkable resemblance to the real Mrs.Wilder introduced each scene in which the players re-enacted stories from her books.

The "Farmer Boys" were quite entertaining!

During the intermission, playwright Terry Spyres took the time to meet and talk to my daughter. She was very nice and my daughter was thrilled to meet her!

I ask you, can there be a better way to spend a summer night then at the fair?

What memories!

I don't really remember where I was when President Kennedy was shot, I was very young, three to be exact. But I can speak with remarkable clarity about the first time anybody ever gave me a five dollar bill. It was on the way to the fair. We were about halfway across the Glenstone viaduct when my father's large hairy arm reached over the white leather front seat of our 1963 Buick Riviera into the back seat holding two crisp five dollar bills which he fanned apart with his thumb and index finger towards my brother and I.

I was couldn't of been much more than six years old...

I have no doubt that I spent at least part of my windfall on a pineapple whip ice cream cone. I think they probably still sell them there although I'm sure they're not as good now. And corndogs, the kind that they make fresh! I always appreciated the medium sized paint brush that was there to use for slathering on the mustard, "these people really know how to eat!" I thought.

Who hasn't walked through the gauntlet of carnival game row? Can you remember the scary guy that barked you down? The guy with an earring and numerous tattoo's chain smoking a Camel no-filter who by the insistent tone of his gravelly voice left you no choice but to,

"Try a free throw kid, every ones a winner!"

How about a Demolition Derby?

It wouldn't be a proper fair without some type of a grandstand show! Whether it's a concert, a truck pull, a beauty contest, an actual stock car race or whatever. I'm partial to dirt track car races myself, the kind that put enough red clay dust into the air that you can actually taste it! Along with the horrendous noise of the un-muffled engines, the burning smell of rubber, gas and oil, it's an experience that never fails to get my adrenalin pumping! It's sort of a man thing, although I have seen lots of women get plenty excited rooting for their favorite driver!

I need to turn this little trip down memory lane back towards the house...I hope that I've reminded you of some special memories you have of summertime. I hope that I've provided my daughter with some good times that she'll be able to look back on with fondness someday. I'm thankful for my memories, they're like snapshots we keep in our hearts of the moments when we forgot about everything else except the fun we were having! I'm also thankful to God for how He continues to care for me and my family in these tough times. Who like my own father, knows my needs and who's gifts to me aren't based on what I deserve but instead on His great love for me!

Thanks Dad...

Remember is a place from long ago
Remember filled with everything you know
Remember when you're sad and feelin' down
Remember turn around

Remember life is just a memory
Remember close your eyes and you can see
Remember think of all that life can be


Harry Nilsson-Remember

Friday, July 23, 2010

Land Of Many Springs

One of the great joy's of blogging I've found is in sharing the unique and special things about where I call home with the rest of the world.

The area where I live is known mostly for being a hunting, fishing, floating, camping/hiking destination. During the spring it's turkey season, summertime around here is all about the river. When the chilly winds of winter begin to blow the town is overrun with people dressed in camouflage who are looking to bag that big buck! In the winter months the local people rest up!

I'm not much of a hunter, but what I do enjoy is seeing the abundant wildlife practically everywhere you go around here. The deer are somewhat tame and will sometimes just stand there next to the road allowing you to get a good look at them as you drive up . The other day I saw two hen turkeys scurry across the road in front of me with their collective brood of about 10-15 in tow. The spring hatch-lings, they were beautiful in their tan colored juvenile feathers!

Perhaps the predominant characteristic of the area I live in is the abundance of naturally occurring springs. The water they provide is literally the "life blood" that freely flows throughout this part of the state. Their cool blue effusion's and the underground waterways that they represent are a precious resource that's value cannot be overstated.

Now that I've said my little speech we can get on to the good stuff...

This is Greer Spring

Pictured here is the much celebrated and often photographed upper outlet which join's together with the water from the lower outlet and flows into the Eleven Point River more than doubling it's size! It's the second largest spring in the Ozarks, second only to Big Spring which is located in Carter County, Mo.

Originally the spring was harnessed by Samuel Greer to power a grist mill in 1859.

To the right is the lower and much more substantial source of the spring and the one time location of the aforementioned mill.

It's an incredibly beautiful area that's easily accessible. Various hiking trails that skirt the surrounding hillsides provide some excellent photo opportunities!

Our next stop on the tour is Boze Mill Spring.

Many things about Boze Spring really stood out to me.

The setting is unique in one respect because of the approach to the spring from the trail. If you look closely at the area between the trail and the deeper turquoise blue of the main spring you can see the shallow sandy area that's ideal for wading in! But be warned, the water here is in my opinion colder than any spring I've ever been in!

It practically numbed my legs within minutes of wading into it!

I've been a Missouri resident my whole life and an avid outdoors person as well. As a typical young boy I was fascinated with reptiles, frogs specifically. Having said that, I found it remarkable that as I approached the spring I was welcomed by a strange sound. Strange in that I only vaguely recognized it. The "noise" was coming from frogs. Their call was different from any frog I had ever heard, and for them to be active in the middle of the day is also unusual. As I sat there on the bank they entertained me with their "calling" to each other. Here in their secluded paradise I wondered how many thousands of generations had lived and croaked here in this place and provided the ambiance for thousands of people who had sat just where I was on it's bank.

This last spring is in many ways also the least.

It's water volume is small and I'm not really even sure of what it's "official" name is. I've heard it called "Panther Creek" spring, I tried to research it and still couldn't find any definitive information about it. It's located less than a quarter mile downstream from the Whitten access on the Eleven Point river. It's just a hole in the ground that sits less than a hundred feet back off from the main channel but what I found interesting about it is that it makes it's own noise...

That's right, it's a "Talking Spring"

My daughter and I had walked up the creek that flows from it one day a few years back. I remember hearing a noise that at first I assumed was coming from the insects that were everywhere. Something about it seemed out of kilter though, it never stopped! I paused to concentrate more fully on it I noticed that it seemed to emanate from the spring it's self!

That struck me as being an impossibility at first, "Can sound travel in water?" I'd never seen or heard of such a thing and upon a closer examination I saw what appeared to be small rocks that were caught in it's flow. The waters effect upon them was to toss them upward in the current of the spring and then suck them back down so as to imitate a volcano spewing lava. During this process,they constantly made random contact which resulted in the sound I was hearing.

I've really only scratched the surface of listing all of the springs in this part of Missouri. I barely mentioned Big Spring which is the largest, and I didn't even mention the appropriately named "Mammoth Spring" which is south of here just across the Arkansas state line.

My intent here wasn't really to provide an exhaustive list, instead my goal is to celebrate who it is that gives life to not just this little backwater part of the world but to everyone everywhere!

In this world there may be "Many Springs" but there is only one true source of life!

John 7:38

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I had no business...

If ever I were to write my life story, this would probably end up being the title.

What does "that" really mean?

That my life has been characterized by my feeling that I'm a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.

That as a square peg in a land full of round holes you will do a lot of searching to find a place where you fit in.

Which also means that chances are you'll become involved with a lot of stuff that you really...

"Had No Business"

being involved with.

I'm not saying it's been all bad or anything, or that I'm really any different than you are.

In fact, I'll bet you probably know exactly what I'm talking about.

A couple of weeks ago one of the transient cats that frequent my yard decided to have seven kittens and abandon them there.

My wife was the first to hear something crying, we found most of them inside of an old cabinet next to our house.

All efforts to reunite them with their presumably overwhelmed mother failed and so the task was taken up by my daughter, who passed it off to my wife...

Without getting into the details of my personal financial situation, let me just say that

"I had no Business"

spending the money I did on "cat formula replacement" or the eye dropper and tiny bottle that I bought at Wal-Mart.

I didn't even know there was such a thing, it's about $10.00 each, I bought two containers.

(I call this "one" Don King)

Now it's a week or so later, six have died from aspirational pneumonia which is caused by formula getting into their lungs and causing an infection, one is left...

But he is SO cute!

What the head makes cloudy,the heart makes very clear...

Last November I decided to rent a building in a nearby city and try to establish what I called a "ministry center"

It was an idea based not only on what I believed to be an unmet need in the community, but also on what I perceived as being a need to "walk the walk" in the Christian community.

For eight months I showed up five days a week during the scheduled hours. I promoted it, and I paid every bill associated with it's operation.

Including but not limited to...the rent,electric,phone,water,to the tune of about $500.00 a month, and during the entire time I think I might've talked to a dozen people about their drug/alcohol problems.

It's sort of a double entendre

I had no business spending that money, and I literally had no business going on!

When people use that phrase what are they really saying?

At least in part I think it means that there's no profit in what you're doing.

maybe it means you were involved in something that was better left alone or that wasn't your affair.

And in these times we're in right now, minding your own business is a pretty easy sell when it comes to doing something towards meeting the needs of our fellow man.

(or beast)

Do you think that "minding your own business" is part of being a Christian?

In the story of the good Samaritan that Jesus told to His disciples, I've always thought it was interesting that the first two people who came across the man in great distress were representatives of the church...

If we fear becoming involved, whether it's financially, personally, or BOTH! And we rationalize that fear because of our circumstances or based on the possibility of negative outcomes, it may well be said that we're simply "minding our own business". And although the primary motivation I mentioned is fear, we can further rationalize that our choice's are right by referring them as being


But that's in stark conflict with my understanding of what being a Christian is about.

It's definitely not loving God and others as yourself.

It's not trusting that God has all of our circumstances under His control.

Not being interested in expressing love can only mean you've yet to receive it.

Lately it seems to be a popular thing for Christian people to refer to themselves as

"followers of Christ"

Luke 2:49

And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business

Many church's and individual Christian's are seeking a move of the spirit, and yet they're standing still! One possible interpretation of Luke 2:49 is that the church is seeking Christ in the wrong places. That if we're seriously interested in following Jesus or in being used by the Holy Spirit we've got to come down off of our mountain and move towards the front line's of this battle for souls that's going on, that's where the Spirit of God is, and I believe that's where the Father is looking to "do business" and that's where He needs His church to be!

So go and rescue some kittens, and then go and volunteer at a rescue mission if you want to see the spirit move!

Well, not exactly...but what I am saying is to let it be your constant compulsion to find a way to

"let your light so shine"

among men that your Father in heaven is glorified!

Never be convinced by the apparent lack of results from your efforts to serve the Lord that you

"had no business"

In attempting to do something.

Our adoption into Gods family makes it our family business to proclaim Christ!

I have no business other than the Fathers

In closing, this quote from C.H. Spurgeon

"If sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If Hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for."

Also this...

Evangelization is a process of bringing the gospel to people where they are, not where you would like them to be… When the gospel reaches a people where they are, their response to the gospel is the church in a new place...--Vincent Donovan