Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The "Real" Jesus

When asked about his taste in music, Ray Charles was once quoted as saying,

"There's only two kinds of music, those kinds being good and bad"

and that's a statement to which I wholeheartedly agree!

I'm not a big fan of most Christian music, sadly, like so many endeavors which are labeled as "Christian" it seems as though the quality of the products produced are lower than those of their secular counterparts. When people talk about books, music, movies or whatever which are produced by Christians inevitably you'll hear their work patronized with statement's such as

"It was pretty good, for a Christian writer,musician,comedian,etc..."

As if there's an unspoken but well understood lower standard involved.

And that's messed up...

I consider myself to be a fairly typical person, but then again perhaps I'm just caught up in my own "delusions of adequacy." I think perhaps a case could be made either way regarding me, but I digress. When I meet people I hope they notice something different about me, I would hope that they would perhaps feel loved in some way! I don't wear a crucifix outside of my shirt for people to see or have a WWJD wrist bracelet on. If I've never met you before, I probably won't ask you where you attend church within the first ten minutes of a conversation. Some people stress about sharing the gospel or "witnessing" as it's called, but sometimes the most "Christ-like" thing we can do is just to listen to people.

When people meet me I don't want them to see a stereotype, I want them to meet the real me.

I am a Christian, but I'm not "Ned Flanders"...(nothing against Ned)

I think that Jesus was a very real person!

Not only in a physical sense but also in terms of how He related to people out of a genuine love for them.

Throughout the bible Jesus' personality is displayed in many ways. Some of my favorite examples are from His various confrontation's with the scribes and pharisee's. This one in particular speaks to me of His sense of humor in dealing with them.

Matthew 9:5

For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk?

Jesus perceives their thoughts accusing Him of blasphemy after His forgiveness of sins. I can imagine Him being somewhat confounded by their attitudes, but His reaction is to love and teach them. He begins by turning the question back on them by asking "whether is easier" which is actually rhetorical in that He knows they can't truthfully say or do either. Jesus seems to be seeking counsel from these great scholars of the law while simultaneously proving Himself to be God and them to be fools!

Jesus, you crack me up!

Another of the more prevalent stereotypes of Christian people has to do with the idea that all of them are pacifists. The perception is of them being people who would never raise their voice in anger or resort to violence under any circumstances. It doesn't say in John's gospel what if anything might of happened to Jesus that day as He traveled to Jerusalem to observe the passover but apparently,

"He was in no mood"

to discover what was going on in the temple that day...

John 2:14-15

14And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:

15And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;

During his lifetime here on earth Jesus was a real man with real feelings just like each of us! He had a sense of humor, He could feel pain and sorrow, He could even become angry! It's a comfort to me to know that being a Christian doesn't mean we should be always happy or always be serious and sad like the stereotypes portray. I just want to be the person God intended me to be, no more and certainly no less! Helping people do just that is something Jesus was very good at, He brought comfort to the afflicted, and affliction to the comforted!

I think that it's so important for Christian people to be "real", and to not be perceived as being out of touch with the very real struggles that people they might meet are going through. Jesus had great compassion for people who were stuck in the "miry clay" of sin. He understood the temptation's of this world and the depravity of mans soul that drives him to do something, even if it's wrong, to fill that void in his heart. He didn't judge people for having the need which I feel is a critical first step that's necessary for people to be comfortable enough with us and to trust us enough to actually confide in us about the sin and spiritual needs in their lives so that we might have a "real" opportunity to share the real Jesus with them!

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Memories...

It's been quite a memorable summer in a lot of ways!

The heat was definitely one reason, just about everyone has memories of how they found sweet relief from it. Whether it was in the pool or the pond, in a lake or a stream, most remedies involve finding some COOL water!

They say that summer days are "okay" but the nights are made for love...

Speaking of love and summer night's, my wife and daughter both "love" all of the little house books which were originally written by Laura Ingalls Wilder. So when we read in a local publication that the Ozark Mountain Players were performing a play on Friday night August 6-7th in Mansfield, Mo. called Laura's Memories we decided to go! We drove the short distance to Mansfield early in the afternoon and took in the tour that's given daily of the author's home and the museum which is also on the grounds. It was interesting even for me, to see things like the actual fiddle which belonged to "Pa" and other personal family items.

It was a wonderful night of theater under the stars at the newly built outdoor amphitheater!

I very much enjoyed the overall presentation! An actress who bore a remarkable resemblance to the real Mrs.Wilder introduced each scene in which the players re-enacted stories from her books.

The "Farmer Boys" were quite entertaining!

During the intermission, playwright Terry Spyres took the time to meet and talk to my daughter. She was very nice and my daughter was thrilled to meet her!

I ask you, can there be a better way to spend a summer night then at the fair?

What memories!

I don't really remember where I was when President Kennedy was shot, I was very young, three to be exact. But I can speak with remarkable clarity about the first time anybody ever gave me a five dollar bill. It was on the way to the fair. We were about halfway across the Glenstone viaduct when my father's large hairy arm reached over the white leather front seat of our 1963 Buick Riviera into the back seat holding two crisp five dollar bills which he fanned apart with his thumb and index finger towards my brother and I.

I was couldn't of been much more than six years old...

I have no doubt that I spent at least part of my windfall on a pineapple whip ice cream cone. I think they probably still sell them there although I'm sure they're not as good now. And corndogs, the kind that they make fresh! I always appreciated the medium sized paint brush that was there to use for slathering on the mustard, "these people really know how to eat!" I thought.

Who hasn't walked through the gauntlet of carnival game row? Can you remember the scary guy that barked you down? The guy with an earring and numerous tattoo's chain smoking a Camel no-filter who by the insistent tone of his gravelly voice left you no choice but to,

"Try a free throw kid, every ones a winner!"

How about a Demolition Derby?

It wouldn't be a proper fair without some type of a grandstand show! Whether it's a concert, a truck pull, a beauty contest, an actual stock car race or whatever. I'm partial to dirt track car races myself, the kind that put enough red clay dust into the air that you can actually taste it! Along with the horrendous noise of the un-muffled engines, the burning smell of rubber, gas and oil, it's an experience that never fails to get my adrenalin pumping! It's sort of a man thing, although I have seen lots of women get plenty excited rooting for their favorite driver!

I need to turn this little trip down memory lane back towards the house...I hope that I've reminded you of some special memories you have of summertime. I hope that I've provided my daughter with some good times that she'll be able to look back on with fondness someday. I'm thankful for my memories, they're like snapshots we keep in our hearts of the moments when we forgot about everything else except the fun we were having! I'm also thankful to God for how He continues to care for me and my family in these tough times. Who like my own father, knows my needs and who's gifts to me aren't based on what I deserve but instead on His great love for me!

Thanks Dad...

Remember is a place from long ago
Remember filled with everything you know
Remember when you're sad and feelin' down
Remember turn around

Remember life is just a memory
Remember close your eyes and you can see
Remember think of all that life can be


Harry Nilsson-Remember