A story was told to me many years ago about love. About how when we're truly loved by someone whom we see as being wonderful the effect is transcendent. We're lifted up, empowered, the phrase used in the story I heard was...
If I said it was because of the way He so faithfully provides for the physical needs of my family and I, which I believe He does, I wouldn't be able to explain why it is that God loves everyone but some in this world go without.
I could say that I know God loves me because He sent His Holy Spirit to be a guide and counselor to me who leads me in all things but His Spirit is like the wind. You can't actually see it...even though you can easily see it's effects!
Would it be easier for people to understand how I know if they could experience His peace? If instead of feeling anxious about their circumstances,both present and future,they could cast their cares upon Him knowing He cares for them?
That's a lot of "If''s" in one sentence...
I used to walk through life carrying heavy burdens that I couldn't put down! I know Jesus loves me because He took my burden of condemnation and sin and made me free!
What about the way Jesus is working in my life to heal me from all of the wounds I've suffered from the weapons formed against me by my enemy, continually transforming me by the renewing of my mind...
Would my testimony be convincing?
Oh I know! It's the joy I feel in my life which is the fruit of His Spirit! It's very attractive to others but can be so difficult for them to accept because it's a gift!
All of us have placed our faith in something. Mostly in the things we can see like science,technology,and of course people! Every time we pay attention to anything we give it tribute and power in our lives. If we place our faith in Christ it can be said of us that though we may be in this world we're not of it.
Our faith is the only requirement for us to receive our Father's real love! But have you ever tried to explain what love is to someone? If so,you no doubt know it's futility.I can tell you how much God loves you, I can show you in His word how He's shown it, I can let His love shine through me for you to see, I can show you a world of miracles based on His love for you, but would it be enough?
The choice belongs to each of us,to decide what it is we believe.
Of course the responsibility for those choices is ours as well!