That seems to be the only possible title for a post that endeavors to describe the many ways in which God's been faithful to me in the past year...I truly am the grateful recipient of His grace which is defined as the unmerited favor of God.
What else can I say?
He loves me!
It's the only way I can begin to understand how my family has once again very comfortably "made it" through another year! Especially a year like this past one in which so many were negatively affected. As it draws to a close and I look back on the many ways Gods cared for us I feel many emotions. First of all I'm humbled,and then I'm bewildered at His love for me. It's hard to truly understand what I mean unless you're someone like myself who is at times perhaps a bit more "human" than most in that I have a history of making more than my share of mistakes and bad choices. Most people find it pretty easy to explain away the "near miss" or disregard what could've happened under slightly different circumstances but I can't. I suppose that's because I've seen it happen so many times or perhaps it's because I've been "blessed" to see myself so clearly for who and what I really am without Him.
It's been quite a year for me, the job I had at the beginning of the year ended when the teenage girl I was working as support staff for flipped out one day and took an overdose of her prescription drugs. It was quite traumatic for everyone involved, afterwards everyone was put under investigation by the department of mental health. I was cleared of any charges of neglect,which is a very big deal and I was extremely relieved. I knew I hadn't done anything wrong but I also know that people get wrongly blamed for stuff all the time.
Thank You God!
My next job was a blessing in it's self. I worked over the summer for the Eleven Point River canoe rental outfitter in my hometown shuttling people down to the river to go on float trips!
It was a great experience for me to meet so many interesting people and to be able to play a part in their summer fun! Where I live is such a beautiful place and I never grew tired of introducing others to it's wonders. Oh,and on top of all that I got paid for it!
God...You're my rock,and you ROCK!
Among the things I'm most thankful for this year I have to include being invited to join a small study/worship group which meets at a friend's home nearby. For a while prior to that I had stopped going to church. I soon found the groups emphasis on study and open discussion as well as the great time of fellowship we shared to be just what was missing!
It's wonderful to come together with other Christian's and really be the church to
those in need in your own community. That's what attracted me to become involved with an organization called One Hope Outreach located in my hometown of Springfield, Mo. They're focus is helping homeless people find permanent housing and empowering them to make positive changes in their lives. This photo was taken at a fundraiser which was held at a local restaurant.
Thank You Father for meeting ALL of my needs, both physical and spiritual! Thank You for giving my life meaning and purpose!