Did you buy a ticket in the recent mega-millions lottery? I heard that the odds of winning were somewhere in the neighborhood of being struck by lightning four times and surviving...It's interesting that given those odds that anyone would still participate! Apparently even the remotest possibility of us being a winner has a powerful draw on us.
The siren song of the carnival barker seeks out such a hope in each of us. Playing on our vulnerabilities,our insecurities, boldly declaring that...
Everyone's a winner!
But who are the real winners in life?
My guess is that we all know at least one person who based on our own specific criteria we consider to be a winner. There might be a number of factors that cause us to view them as such or perhaps just one thing that proclaims success to us. Untold fortunes have been made by authors, ostensibly trying to help the rest of us to achieve our potential's and thereby enjoy the benefits of being a member of the coveted "winner" club.
I have my own theories as to what's most essential, they go something like this. It occurs to me that all winners have one very important thing in common. They all know in the depths of their being that they are loved! The most successful young adults I've observed are those who're able to remain focused on their life goals instead of being distracted by all of the misguided attempts engaged in by those around them to get this most important need met. Who can deny that this fundamental lacking is the source of many (if not all) problems in young peoples lives.
I've also noticed that people who have a winning attitude seem to fall into two distinct categories. There are those who believe that based on the merits of who they are see themselves as being quite deserving of the love they've received and then those who instead are humbled by the love which has been shown them despite who they are! What's interesting about that to me are the ramifications of these relationship dynamics. One party,believing themselves to be worthy often operates from a place of insecurity while the other,believing the opposite, draws their esteem based on the unconditional love of another which relieves them of the anxiety and insecurity of living up to expectations.Being a winner by the worlds standards can be a very difficult task for most people. I understand that all too well! But what's so wonderful to me is that I can be a real winner through my relationship with God The Father through His Son Jesus Christ! Because I know deep in my soul that I am loved! I'm not anxious about where I stand with Him because His love for me isn't about my worthiness...it's about His nature,it's about who He is, Who once you have an encounter with will end your own misguided questing for love a love that grows more real and true with every passing day!
It's also interesting to me that modern psychology teaches the former,
while Gods word teaches the latter...
I'm going to go out on a limb and make a few unqualified statements.
I believe that everyone wants to be a winner!
I believe that everyone IS loved!
Not based on transient things or superficial qualities,
but for no other reason than for just "showing up"
If only we could all know it...
That everyone IS a winner!
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