Saturday, September 6, 2008

Just another Christmas story

Christmas time seems to be one of the best backdrops for the telling of stories about the true nature of people,both good and bad. Twas the winter of our discontent,the best of times,the worst of times,etc...this is my story,about how I (with Gods help) made it home for Christmas,despite the obstacles/challenges that most people couldn't imagine facing. Making plans when your a truckdriver is an exercise in futility,and the best example of what John Steinbeck meant in his novel "of mice and men",being at the mercy of too many un-forseen variables and high hoops designed for you to jump thru.Knowing all these things full well,I didn't make any plans...other than to get there one way,or the other,by Christmas.My company shuts down on the 21st,and everyone goes home.So on the 20th I was set to deliver my last load of tools to a truck in Indiana which would have worked out well for me to come back west and stop over at "the house",but after a phone call I was informed that after my drop,I was to make a pick up in kentucky that would have to be taken back to the warehouse.The natural answer to this dilema would be to simply call my wife,and have her to pick me up in K.C. (a 6 hour drive) but after inquiring after such,was informed that she had to work (3rd shift) every night until Christmas,making it quite difficult/impossible for her to come and get me.One more thing is that I've got a bunch of gifts here in the truck with me that I've only clear option seemed to be to call her,and have her meet me on my way back west and collect the gifts,freeing me up to make my way home unencumbered by them.After achieving that objective,I continued in my duty and returned to the warehouse arriving around mid-evening.Before light the next morning I was on my way back the way I had just came toward my home.How?by what mode or method? on foot my friend...I took off walking with only a rolled up rain poncho and a black magic marker. I had to walk about 10 miles on 207th st. until I came to hyw 69 south of Stanley Ks. I scrambled up an embankment to the 4 lane and within minutes was offered a ride with an older gentleman who took me to Harrissonville Mo. next,I was given a ride from the 7/71 jct. on the back of a 1 ton flatbed all the way to Spfd,It was a very cold ride but despite my dis-comfort,I was most content,thankful even...imagine that,when I arrived in Spfd,I was numb in my legs and walking was with a stiff limp.I hobbled over to the McDonalds for the days first nourishment of any kind,and couldn't help but notice how many people were crowding the exit ramps of the highway,panhandlers...I felt some discomfort/embarrassment because I was afraid that I would be mistaken for such because of my cardboard sign that read,"hyw 60 east". I made it back to my hometown by 4:30 that afternoon,an amazing feat in my estimation,and what was most essential was my un-shakable faith in God,and that he was with me,and that he would make my way,as if he longed to express his love for me and show me that nothing can separate me from his love and care...can a man have any more comfort than that? tidings of comfort and joy,comfort and joy...

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