Anything that you can invest love into, that grows, is a GREAT investment...I feel as though it's the essence of my life, to find things I can invest myself in and then watch the fruit (or vegetables) that they bear appear.

It's been a great year for potatoes, and broccoli...so cool and moist
and I "loves" me some broccoli...especially in that green rice casserole!
One of my dearest memories of my granny is her making greenbeans and new potatoes for me, and then teaching me how to make them and sending me home with a bag full to cook on my own. It's been a tough year for things like tomatoes, and watermelon, they need the sustained high temperatures to flourish...heres a pic of one of my plants...
Nice huh? It'll bear great big juicy tomatoes that I'll make the worlds best B.L.T's with!
I'd also like to squeeze in some pics of the river I took yesterday, check these out!
and it smelled like heaven...
cool, clear, water!
This was the coolest thing though....this huge spring! when you look into it you see fine gravel being "blown" up from the intense current, like lava from a volcano! and at the mouth where it flows into the river there was this interesting...well, I don't know what to call it...
It looks like a brain...lol, but it's fine mud thats settled over the sediment from the spring.
Okay, so I played hooky from work...(because of the rain) But I had been wanting to go to the river for a while, and boy was I glad i did!
Did I mention that they re-possessed my car the other day? yeah, man I loved that car! it was a subaru "baja" black and silver, the kind with a small pickup bed in the back...but guess what! my pastor loaned me this car to use
Thank God, for a Christian brother like that! what a blessing to me...(and him) it gets great mileage, has over 200k miles on it, and...well, I love it!
Where is your ministry? where do you invest yourself? weather you know it or not your life is a testimony to something. Do you feel a need for more fulfillment in your life? How about your "joy level", find a place where you can "meet God" and let his perfection flow thru you out into the world! Remember, it's not what you go thru...it's HOW you go thru it that determines weather you are "the victor" or not, theres a victory that's been reserved just for you...will you claim it?
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