Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The problem...

In some ways it's the height of comical irony that a culture such as ours so steeped in the worship and reverence of love could have it so wrong...but it does.

It's often confused with sex, perhaps as a result of the perception that it's somehow inherently explained by the misleading commonly used expression

"make love".

Sadly, many settle for the red-headed step-child of love "attention" primarily because we don't really know the difference. Children, both young and old, act out in bad behaviors that are really just cries for help or for "love".

It's sometimes described as a feeling, but that's kind of like saying Gods creation is God and then worshiping "it" instead of Him. We're told that love is a choice, which is true, but how does that help us to make loving choices? We're inundated with a constant flow of dis-functional concepts and examples from every possible source! Through the song lyrics that brainwash us daily all the way back to the fairytale stories that were read to us as children.

I feel very comfortable in saying that all of the most screwed up things that you and I have done in our lives are directly related to our misunderstanding of God and of love, and our search for both.

Almost invariably, mans search for love and his quest for the understanding of it are motivated only by his selfish desires to marshal it's great power for his own purposes. Man has become a master at peddling illusions and perpetrating lies on his fellow man in order to get what he wants. One is seen as being successful in this life by demonstrating an ability to manipulate others and more importantly to convince themselves that it's love that they're offering. None of which would be possible apart from the basic ignorance about the true nature of love that's so prevalent. We're like blind people feeling around in the dark who are stung, bitten and burned as a result of working through a process of elimination hoping to find the real thing.

As unfortunate as ignorance is,there's still cause for hope in that ignorance can be dealt with through simple knowledge. Whats most unfortunate are those of us who have allowed fear to take hold of our spirits. In acting out of fear we acknowledge our own personal insufficiency by believing that we are the source of our limited provision. We've been taught to look out for number one which is of course ourselves because if we don't who will? certainly not a benevolent God, afterall, everyone knows that God helps those who help themselves right?. But in truth, God helps or comes to save those who absolutely cannot help or save themselves!

And that's exactly what I believe God is wanting to use His church to accomplish!

God Is Love!

As His representatives and ambassadors, disciples and followers, evangelist's and ministers, church members and children, shouldn't we have, based on our personal relationship with Jesus, a much greater familiarity with love than those who don't or who aren't any of those things?

Love is the answer!

Perhaps we as the church have forgotten that. We live in the midst of a world full of people who are crying out for answers, are we prepared to give them? Shouldn't we be the ones teaching the world about love? This world is a vineyard ripe for harvest, and the only real preparation necessary for us as Christians is to truly receive that love and those answers first ourselves! How can we say that we know the Lord, or that we've accepted Christ as our Savior, and then stand idly by in the presence of so much need in our own assigned area's of mission field earth?

We've been given the perfect example of what love is in Christ.

I don't think there's any way that I personally could ever be thankful enough for what He did for me. If I really mean that, then what does it mean?

We need more than a "revival" what we need is a revolution! A love revolution...

And since love is an action word, a "verb", that means we need to shift our focus away from merely talking about it week in and week out to one of making some thoughtful plans to implement it in some way scratch that, every way possible! I'm not talking about some token "feel good" project that doesn't require much from us. What I'm suggesting here is that we work in earnest the great harvest that's been prepared before us! Just as Christ held nothing back on our behalf, How can we do any less?

We can make the most of the opportunity before us by bringing everything we have to bear on this Kingdom battle for the souls of those around us who our Heavenly Father dearly loves!

Or we can listen to fear...

It a choice each of us has to make,there is no way to "abstain"

We can either choose to live in love or be imprisoned by fear.

We can choose to serve the One True God and His Kingdom...

Or be a slave to the one who opposed Him and who is also our enemy.

Is that a problem?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Against The Wall

All of us enjoy a good story, but what is it that makes a story good? I suppose that's an entirely subjective question, one that if I knew the answer to I'd be writing screenplays or books instead of this blog! But I don't think I'd be too far off the mark if I were to say that most people are drawn to a couple of specific things. Most people love hero's. They inspire us with their courage and their "never say die" attitude. It's their charisma, confidence, leadership and direction that compels us to follow them. I was ready to fight in the Roman Colosseum myself after listening to Russell Crowe lay out the simple facts of life and death to a band of hopeless slaves as Maximus in the movie


"Whatever comes out of these gates...

we've got a better chance of survival if we work together! Lock your shields! Stay as one!

Stories about brotherhood, love and honor that through their medium remind us that there are no dress rehearsals in life...that it's all real and it all counts

"Good Will Hunting"

Let me tell you what I do know. Everyday I come by to pick you up, and we go out drinkin' or whatever and we have a few laughs. But you know what the best part of my day is? The ten seconds before I knock on the door 'cause I let myself think I might get there, and you'd be gone. I'd knock on the door and you wouldn't be there. You just left.

This next scene always gets to me, some people take love and friendship very,very, seriously

What problems does he have, Sean? that he is better off as a janitor or in jail or hanging around with--

And why does he hang out with his friends? Because any one of those kids would come in here and take a bat to your head if he asked them to. It's called loyalty!

Most great stories are about overcoming adversity of some kind, we love to pull for the underdog! We seem to identify with people who find themselves fighting the good fight for the sake of all against evil and insurmountable odds. Typically they've got nothing going for them other than their heart and the fact that they have nothing left to lose and everything to gain.

Years ago I heard a story about a football team in a championship game. Things weren't going well at all and they had taken a pretty bad beating over the course of the afternoon. With only minutes left in the game, and what would be their last possession, they had the ball deep in their own territory. They needed only one touchdown to win but as they walked towards the huddle that goal seemed impossible, they all felt as though they were already beaten. As they leaned in together to hear the Quarterback's final direction, this is what he told them.

"Good job guys, I think we've got 'em just where we want them...They've counted us out, they think we're whipped, and my guess is that most of them are already thinking about what their going to do after the game is over, but I'll tell you what we're going to do right now! After that ball is snapped we're going to completely take them by surprise, we're going to play like it's the first play of the game instead of the last, like a team that knows it's going to win! I look around at all of your faces and I know you want to win, well I'm telling you how we will, and that's together! Men, no victory is as sweet as one that is pulled from the fearsome jaws of defeat, seize this moment, it's yours for the taking!

Perhaps you're wondering if there's some point I'm trying to make with all of this or if maybe I've decided to turn this into a film review blog. If so, hold on...

Do you hear that grinding noise? Don't be alarmed, that's just me changing gears.

There's a story that's playing out all around each and every one of us everyday. It's about us individually and the church as a whole.Our combined stories are all part of a much bigger story that we also have a role in. It's a grand drama, a classic tale of good and evil with hero's and villains, winners and losers, it's a full cast! Some of you probably know what I'm talking about, the rest of you think I'm nuts, that's okay.


As I see it this little story is kind of coming down to a scenario that reminds me a great deal of the examples I mentioned. We are indeed behind, and we appear to be losing ground on just about every front. We've taken some hard hits and been thrown to the ground. Through clever tactics, our enemy has succeeded in dividing us and causing us to fight among ourselves in order that his plans might go undisturbed. Even now, he's infiltrated our ranks and seeks to maintain this subversion by sowing complacency and preaching comfort. We've been led to believe there is no battle, that instead this boat we're on a is a luxury cruise liner instead of a battleship. And yet, right before our eye's he's savagely attacked each of our families. The deeds he's committed are so reprehensible that our minds recoil in disgust and we must turn away!

Now is not the time to wring our hands in hopeless despair, or to mourn what's been lost.

Instead NOW is the time that we must attack!

In order for us to be successful it's going to require that we all put aside our differences and come to a new agreement as to what is our common goal. We need a plan that involves putting our strengths against his weakness's. One that he can have no defense against because each of us is more than willing to die if necessary to accomplish it.

"We represent the kingdom of heaven and the living God, and to reveal them to mankind is what we live for and stand for and are ready to die for."

Bless God

John G. Lake

Sound extreme? I've no doubt that some people who read this will mistakenly equate or compare what I'm talking about with the kind of violent acts committed by terrorists but nothing could be further from the truth. It's only love that can conquer hate, and so it's only through love that any real victory can be won!

It's easy for actors like Russell Crowe who are playing a role to be brave when they know what's going to happen in the end. Well guess what, I've read how our story ends and we should be SO much bolder!

As members of the body of Christ and of Gods one true church we should have the kind of love for each other that puts a bond between us that nothing can break, we should be loyal servants of each other! If we're more concerned with our possessions or if we can't see beyond the temporal nature of this present world then we'll always be vulnerable to being infected with the disease of "self " and will be of little use to Gods Kingdom in this battle.

Where do you see yourself in this unfolding drama? You might be among those who don't believe or who won't understand it until the very last days when the fight is on your doorstep. You're much braver than me if your counting on having an opportunity to make the right choice then when you finally realize that it's your back that's...against the wall