Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Are You Serious?

It can be difficult to know who is!
It's always been a challenge for me to figure out and I know people probably say the same thing about me! Of course at times I wonder how seriously some things actually should be taken. Perhaps it's because of my analytic nature that I focus so much on details and have a tendency to be more literal in how I understand things. I'm someone who's quite serious,too much so in fact,who's trying to interface with a read the fine print "Just Kidding" world.
This fixation of mine seems to play out most noticeably in my relationships, both personal and professional. I don't think it's really so unusual or remarkable in any way,on the contrary! I see this mindset as being rather common hence the familiarity of the phrase in our culture. However,when combined with any sort of OCD or perfectionist tendencies it typically leads to disappointment and frustration on the part of all who're trying to understand the appropriate roles of the respective parties in any given situation.
Enough setup?
Looking back on my spiritual journey which for me began at age nine or ten it seems to of,almost without fail, follow a distinct pattern. I find myself being drawn into "all things spiritual" until I reach a point where I can't find answers to my questions or perceive "it" or myself, as somehow being in contradiction or one of us not living up to the associated claims. All of this is based on or evidenced by how I see "God" manifested in the world, in myself,and in other Christian people I know. At times the answers I do find seem to conflict with what's taught or simply lead to more questions.
Here's one...
Is Christianity the perfect ideology for people with low self esteem?
The idea of redemption was never hard to sell to me...As a youth I was so full of self loathing that the idea of being someone other than myself or a better version of who I was seemed like an answered prayer! (I'm still rather frustrated on this score) There are times that I think Christianity would be the greatest thing in the world, that it'd be worth screaming from the rooftops about if it simply did what it claims to do! I suppose that yet again I'm just "doing it wrong" but it's awfully hard for me to conceive of a God who loves us so much and yet Who would make it so complicated or confusing to be redeemed or to get a taste of that victorious life we're teased with!
In first Corinthians fifteen Paul talks about our faith being in vain. I don't think I'm taking too great of an interpretive leap here to juxtapose the relevance of his statement to our spiritual lives. To me He seems to be saying that if Christ didn't walk out of the grave then what we believe is in vain. If we've been crucified with Christ,born again and are in truth new creations in Christ which will someday rise just as He did,why are so many of us still dead in our sins?
"Because someday hasn't come yet dummy and as long as you dwell in this tent of flesh,you'll fight this battle regardless of how you feel about it"...The Holy Spirit
WOW! He's in a mood today...
Anyways, my point is that if our new lives in Christ aren't a miracle of some kind isn't what we're believing also in vain? I understand the eternal aspects of this statement but I also have to believe there are significant implications for our here and now lives as well! It is a bit confusing when you read what Paul says in Philippians about his own righteousness.

Philippians 3:9

KJV And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
Or verse 12 of Chapter three in which Paul goes on to say...
12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
And of course this confusing admission of his own inadequacy.

Romans 7:14-16

KJV For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.
Obviously Paul saw himself as a work in progress! That he was running a race,not that he had finished one...
There are however ways to know we're on the right road!

Galatians 5:22

KJV But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Certainly I"m not SO arrogant to in any way expect more from myself than Paul did!
Or am I?
Or pigheaded enough to be unforgiving towards myself when God the Father has already seen fit to forgive my many sins...
Surely not!
WHEW! Glad that's been cleared up...
So, then what am I really so unhappy about or what are my real expectations?
Oh not much...
I once heard an analogy when I was in addiction recovery that related to what's known as "recovery time" and "clean time". It served to help distinguish the differences between them. The phrase "clean time" relates to how long someone has gone without using whereas the term "recovery" is an indication of the healing that's occurred in someones life, of how much of the causative component involved in a persons addictive behaviors have been dealt with. Clean time is also known as "white knuckling it" the idea being that a persons sobriety is a function of their own "self will" and that inevitably it will fail.
Recovery time is so much better because once we understand the reasons we used to begin with we're much,much less susceptible to their influence. Nothing is quite so liberating to an addict as understanding why it's not just "okay" to be who they are and sober but how actually fantastic it is! They'll never go back to using because they understand how much better off they are where they're at! It's no longer a struggle to stay sober,because from this new perspective you know that YOU'VE WON! And that you can live in victory over your addiction because you have something that's SO much better!
That's what I want from my spiritual life!
I'm tired of white knuckling it!
And I can't stand the frustration of the failure that comes with it.
Which is what most religion comes down to in my opinion
and I definitely don't believe in that.
What I do believe in is love.
And it's transformative power!
So what I want is a personal encounter with it, or Him...

1 John 4:8

KJV He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
After all that I've been through...
all that I've seen and done.
I have to be honest enough to say I don't have it!
which gives me the perfect opportunity to end this post using my title and the likely reaction to it by some!

Are You Serious?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Truth Incorporated

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATruth is kind of a big deal to me. Maybe because knowing the truth has always been the best way for me to have peace of mind! It can be considered knowledge,and of course knowledge is power! Power needed to overcome the fear and anxieties which accompany it's antithesis of lies and confusion. Over the year's I've become frustrated with how unnecessary and manufactured that confusion often seems to be. Businesses use deceptively simple premises that sound good on the surface to entice people into becoming customers. Then when they've got you in the door they employ some form of a "bait and switch". To my way of thinking, this sort of marketing strategy is little more than legalized falsehood...It seems as though you can lie in the large print if you tell the truth in the small!
That's Corporate truth!
Over my lifetime I've been taken in many times by such tactics, which are, like any successful scam based on the greed of it's intended victims. You have to present a "something for nothing" scenario in order to peak the selfishness of the intended "mark". Because I've been burnt before, I've become quite sensitive and even resentful towards any institution or corporation that attempts to use this method to engage me. I'm leery of any offer which seems overly generous or "too good to be true" and rightly so I'd say!
Christianity can also be misrepresented to people. They're told that after trusting in Jesus Christ as their Saviour they're born again and that their burdens in life can be laid down there at the foot of the cross. Most people understand that to mean that life as they know it is going to get easier but if you've been "around" at all you know that's not really true. I'm not saying that it never happens or even that it can't happen, what I am saying is that it's a process. One that requires a lot of hard work over time. One that you'll need lots of help with! People who are mature in their faith know this is true. If you think that Satan is just going to stand by and watch while someone grows in Christ you're dead wrong! Nope, he'll attack anyone who's moving in the opposite direction that he is! Truth is, if you're not encountering his handiwork maybe you should consider which way you're headed!
According to data I've looked at, Christianity is in decline in the United States. Why? I think it's because we've totally underestimated our enemy! We don't believe we're in a spiritual battle and that lives are at stake. No, either we've somehow been convinced that half measures and playing Church is God's purpose for us as His ambassadors or perhaps we just don't care.
There's a lot more to being a Christian then just walking down an aisle and saying a prayer! That's just the start! But if you want to live a victorious Christian life there's a lot more to it. I'm talking about discipleship,which can't sail without relationship! Relationships that run much deeper than shaking someones hand on Sunday morning and that aren't put off by the walls that people have built around their hearts.
2888670193_949c834e3aThis symbol appears through the Ancient Ephesus. This symbol, a code unknown to the Romans was used by the Christians to indicate they were followers of Christ
Somewhere along the way the church's priorities have changed from operating in the five fold ministries they've been called to in Ephesians four to instead function more like a business whose goal is warm bodies in pews paying tithes. God's Spirit won't occupy and empower that...but without His Holy Spirit they're selling a product that doesn't really work! Maybe that explains the large number of dissatisfied Christian consumers who've left the church seeking something they perceive as being based more on integrity.
These types of marketing strategies don't work on people who,because of their sense of integrity,see them for what they are. Who aren't only interested in their personal gain or benefit but also in that of the other parties involved. They seek true value, to pay a fair price for any goods or services because they understand the interconnection that exists between all members of an economy and have an uncommon respect for what's known as "parity".
The last time I was in church the pastor made fun of people like me who write blogs critical of the church. He said it was like saying "Lord I love you, but Your bride? Not so much" I understood his point but maybe not all church's deserve that title...
Gandhi didn't think so!
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mahatma Gandhi
I'm not just here trying to be critical or condemning, I freely admit that I'm struggling just as much as anyone to try and understand what we as the church should be doing.
When I ask myself that question it seems to become less about "what" and more a matter of how can we do it?
By what power?
Again, we know the the Holy Spirit!
Okay,how do we "get that"?
What does the Bible say?
Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
I read this quote the other day and it stopped me in my tracks...
 "I am Pentecostal by necessity, not by choice." Dick Brougdan
I do know this much...LOVE is the answer!
The answer to any problem as I see it is to simply figure out a way to get closer to God, Who is love!
And then we won't be able to not love others in a genuine way just as He loves us!
Now that sounds like the truth to me...
Not "Truth Incorporated"