Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tis' The Season!

No, not that season....but you're close!

In these parts, beyond the political season it's deer season that takes center stage! Here in the Ozarks it's kind of a holiday, the schools are even let out of session to allow students to fully participate. People make plans all year long to spend some time with friends and family in the deer woods. They often travel great distances from larger cities to small rural areas like this to hunt, drink lots of beer, eat deer meat, and secure their bragging rights for the coming year. Its a time where men bond with their sons (or daughters) around a campfire in the wilderness. It's also an opportunity for people to play lots of practical jokes on one another, hopefully get them on film, and tease them mercilessly all year long about it!

This is how the big boys do it...

Speaking of bragging rights, this monster buck that was taken in Iowa back in bow season...

31 points I think!

It's not always the biggest deer that makes for the proudest conversation. Check out this picture below of an albino deer! The gentleman who shot it said he thought he'd shot a goat!

Hold on, it gets even weirder, a friend of mine told me a story about a deer he'd shot that had a third horn coming out of it's head kind of like a unicorn...(he has it mounted on his wall at home) He said that Bass Pro Shops out of Springfield,Mo. had offered him 20,000 for it and he turned them down!

I know...crazy!

Basically, it all comes down to the available food supply and when the doe's come in season. That's what determines where you'll find them, How many acorns they can find determine how deep in the woods they'll be. The scent of the does are what makes the big bucks crazy enough to run out across an open field and get shot! This year the doe's have come into season early so hunting will be somewhat more challenging. This area is really great for hunting! Deer, turkey, you could actually survive pretty well living off of wild game around here. The other day I was listening to a couple of guys talk about fishing for walleye, strange thing was they were complaining that you couldn't hardly throw a line into the water without catching a doggone small-mouth bass!

Psalm 104:27

These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season.

Psalm 42:1

As the deer pants for the water brooks,
So pants my soul for You, O God.

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